History of the Physical Section of the Department

The Department of Physics and Mathematics Science was formed in 2020 by merging the Department of Physics and Materials Science with the Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics.

The Department of Physics and Materials Science was formed in 2015 by merging the Department of Physics and Materials Science with the Department of Applied Physics and Electrotechnology. In its turn, the Department of Physics and Materials Science was established in 2006 on the basis of merging the Department of Physics and the Department of Metal Technology and Materials Science, and the Department of Applied Physics and Electrotechnology was created in 2012 during the reorganization of the Department of Physics and the Department of Electrotechnology of the Refrigeration Academy.

The Department of Physics was founded in 1923. From 1944 to 1983, the department was headed by Prof. I.L. Roikh, under whose leadership the development of a new scientific direction started, namely, development of thin films and coatings deposited by evaporation in a vacuum.

каф_ физ_ в 60-х годах

Prof. J. L. Roikh, the Head of the Physics Department, with co-workers in the 60s of the twentieth century


In 1970, the Department of Physics became the Leading organization of the USSR in the field of design and research of the protective vacuum coatings. About 15 employees defended candidate dissertations under the guidance of Prof. I.L. Roikh. Then A.I. Kostrzhitsky, V.G. Zadorozhny, A.E. Sergeeva, S.N. Fedosov and A.D. Sokolov defended doctoral dissertations and became professors. From 1983 to 1991, the department was headed by prof. Yu. P. Krasniy, and from 1991 to 1997, Prof. S.N. Fedosov was the head of the physics department. Since 1997, the department is headed by Prof. A. E. Sergeeva.


Prof. S. N. Fedosov, the Head of the Physics Department, from 1991 till 1997

 Cергеева А.Е._2

Prof. A. E. Sergeeva, the Head of the Physics & Materials Science Department

The Department of Metal Technology and Materials Science in 1949 was separated from the Department of Machine Parts. Before uniting with the Department of Physics in 2006, the department was led by Assoc. Prof. A.M. Rousseau, Assoc. Prof. V.F. Maltsev, Assoc. Prof. B. S. Guskov, Prof. V. D. Evdokimov, Assoc. Prof. A.V.Kabanov, Prof. A. D. Sokolov.

Cоколов А.Д

Prof. A. D. Sokolov, the Head of the Metals Technology and Materials Science Department


 Physics & Materials Science Department in 2006


The Department of Physics of the Refrigeration Academy was formed in 1930. The first head of the department (until 1957) was Associate Professor Mikhail Ivanovich Rzhepyshevsky.


Dr. M. I. Rzhepishevskiy, the Head of the Physics Department, with his co-workers in 50s of the twentieth century


Assoc. Prof. M. I. Rzhepishevsky, Prof. A. A. Vasilkovsky, Prof. V. A. Drozdov, Assoc. Prof. V.I. Sokolenko, Prof. D.L. Fuchs, Prof. S.M. Kontush, Prof. V. B. Rogankov worked as heads of the department in different years.

Роганков В.Б.

Prof. V. B. Rogankov, the Head of the Physics Department of the Refrigeration Academy

 The scientific activity of the department staff had a wide range of practical applications. As the result of research, numerous papers were published in domestic and foreign journals. Teachers and researchers participated in numerous international conferences. In 2012, the department was renamed as the Department of Applied Physics and Electrical Technology, and in 2015 it was joined with the Department of Physics and Materials Science. Currently, 5 professors, Doctors of Sciences, 2 Associate Professors, and one Assistant Professor are working at the department of “Physics and Materials Science”.

There are 10 educational laboratories in D and E buildings at ul. Kanatnaya, 112, as well as a large lecture hall and a demonstration room; and a machine room where students get practical skills in various machines. A part of the department is at ul. Dvoryanskaya where there are 3 teaching laboratories. 17 new modern laboratory works have been acquired in recent years for studying physics of thermoelectricity and semiconductors. The lecturers demonstrate the experiments for clarifying the studied physical phenomena. Multimedia tools are widely used, as well.

Кафедра 2016-1

Department of Physics & Materials Science in 2016

By attracting students to research activities, teachers of the department are carrying out fundamental research in the field of developing transducers and sensors of a new generation by using polymer electrets and ferroelectrics. The physical phenomena are studied in thin polymer films for the manufacturing of capacitive elements of planar integrated circuits. The scientific basis for improving the performance of the adaptive profile grinding is being developed. The heterogeneous structure of the concentration fluctuations in “ionic liquid-water” binary systems phases and porous matrices is studied, as well as solar autonomous multifunctional systems for heating, cooling and energy supply are developed on the basis of the absorption cycle. Energy and resource-saving technologies are also developed for production of rare gases in non-conventional energy systems.

The importance and quality of scientific research of the department teachers is evidenced by the fact that three professors of the Department of Physics and Materials Science (S.N. Fedosov, V.B. Rohankov, A.E. Sergeeva) are in a group of ten ONAFT professors who have the Hirsch index h≥5. 113 of their papers published in English in international scientific journals have been registered in the SCOPUS scientific database, while other 493 foreign scientists cited their works. Moreover, Prof. S.N. Fedosov has the highest citation index in the ONAFT (h=12).